Monday, 27 August 2012

Who is going crazy - the homeopath, or me?

Earlier today I initiated a conversation with the homeopath, Nancy Malik, being intrigued by a phrase in her twitter biography, "homeopathic surgery". This phrase seemed so very bizarre that I thought I would ask the lady herself.


A simple enough question, you would have thought, especially for someone qualified in the discipline.

Here was the reply:

I was still unclear, but keen to give the lady every chance, so:

And - sure enough - I was obliged with a rather scary list:

In a spirit of both alarm and growing outrage, I delved further;


You will notice that my enquiry into how she qualified was elegantly side-stepped, no doubt because she considered me a fool. For good measure, she seems to have favourited her own tweet.

Now reaching terminal exasperation, I replied:

The reply I received left me feeling bereft of hope:

If anyone (including Nancy Malik) can untangle this and make any sense of it, then I would be very grateful.


  1. Ah you've met Nancy Malik to give her full title. The Dr is imaginary.

    And no, nobody, including the lady herself can unscramble that.

    But you were lucky it was Twitter, anywhere else and you would have been subjected to walls of references extolling the virtues of homeopathy, all of which she knows have been previously debunked.

  2. Yes indeed! Having read and re-read this exchange, I think she means not "homeopathic surgery" but "homeopathic alternative to surgery".

    I think.

    I can only imagine that she is so captivated by the perceived glamour of surgery, that she wants to add it to her "skill set".

    I am of course aware that she has no business using the title "Dr", and people like her are directly responsible for me dropping the title (hard-earned in the physical sciences at a world-class university) and reverting to "Mrs". I have always been scrupulous in making it clear that my doctorate has nothing to do with medicine. I (and many others I have spoken to) deeply resent that the genuine title, requiring so much hard work and dedication, has been demeaned and corrupted by people like Nancy Malik.

  3. 1. A surgical problem which has progressed far beyond its initial stages might not respond to homoeopathy medicine.

    2. Surgical correction of the disorders has to be undertaken, e.g. aligning the fractured ends of the bone, stitching the broken ends of the skin, etc. Homeopathic medicines can then be administered as an antiseptic for faster healing.

    Dr. Dewan Harish Chand on having no surgery in homeopathy said, “Neither have allopathy, ayurveda or unani systems strictly speaking. These are systems of therapeutics-treatment by medicine. Surgery is common to all-to use when neccessary.”

    Every conmed physician does not practice surgery. Homeopath do succeed in curing some threatening surgical conditions.
